
Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Validation error "Cannot Resolve Activity" when publishing a workflow

Yet another problem that I brought on myself!!

If you publish a workflow and you get validation errors something like:

(0,0) Activity 'ID1234' validation failed: Cannot resolve Activity 'ID5678'.)

it could mean that you have copied and pasted a condition or action. At least this is what happened to me anyway. I had to create several similar conditions and action so I copied and pasted them. Then on publishing, I got the above error. It would seem that it was copying the condition was the problem (if statement). So I went back, deleted the problem conditions and created them manually. This resolved the problem!!

Moral of this story: No shortcuts... :D

Michelle :)


  1. A bit too late, but just in case someone stumbles on this. An easier solution is to cut/paste the entire workflow into the same window.

    Taken from here -

  2. There´s one problem about the copy&paste solution.. when you do that all custom actions placed in e.g. approvals will be lost.
